本帖最後由 israt654322 於 2024-3-6 17:12 編輯
All they have to do is follow the steps below: 1. Open the Google app. 2. At the top right of the mobile screen, tap the user profile account or username first name. 3. Go to "Settings" 4. Tap on “Language and Region” 5. Search for "Language" 6. Choose the desired language Now that we understand what Google Discover is and how it works, many marketers wonder how it differs from Google Feed. Let's take a look at this question. What are the differences between? Google Feed was created in 2016. This app is designed to help users manage their daily schedules by keeping them updated with news updates and other topics related to their interests.
Then, what was the need for Google Discover? Google Discover is the Kuwait Phone Number Data updated and rebranded version of Google Feed that was launched in 2018. It begs the question, what was the need to launch Google Discover when Google Feed already reached 800 million monthly active users? Google Discover was an initiative to improve the platform and user search experience in the long run. Differences between Google Feed and Google Discover Google Discover and Google News Google Discover is a brand new name to reflect the purpose of the Discover tool. Google Discover has a different design than Google Feed that makes it easier for users to explore their interests.
Google Discover has new topic headers that explain why a particular card is visible to the user. It also offers new types of content that are useful to them. The content provided by Google Discover is more customized than before and is available in multiple languages. In addition to being in Google's mobile apps, Google Discover is also available on the home page. Unlike Google Feed, Google Discover is a search-free way to get the information you want. Google Discover is ahead of Google Feed in terms of visual ways to present information to users. Google Discover plays a more important role in business optimization. The last point brings us to the next topic of our discussion.