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Be clear about the idea or concept you want









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發表於 2024-2-22 14:14:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Be clear about the idea or concept you want for your website, so that the professionals to whom you entrust this valuable task can also be clear about what you want to achieve, because they are professionals, but not soothsayers. To stock up on good practices in creating a website, here is the replay of a webinar broadcast on the subject: Harnessing the Power of the Business Blog When you create engaging content and build your brand, you also create authenticity and authority with search engines (Google) and your visitors.

Over time, they will know who they can trust on the Internet and Special Database who they will visit first. And if they visit you and trust you, they will surely buy from you too. A blog is a collection of posts that will appear in search results and social media. A blog can be defined by a flow of informative content around the professional field. It is therefore different content that allows you to distinguish yourself from your competitors.

Unlike product/service pages, blog articles can be very popular on social networks, and can also target information searches (queries that aim to know a little better about your field of activity). Your blog, articles, background information, and product and service descriptions show that you know your subject and that your information is reliable. A study by Blue Niels showed that % of internet searches included words indicating a question, such as “how”, “why”, “where”, “what”, etc. Answering general questions is much easier via blog posts than via service pages. The blog will constitute a new visibility channel for your business.


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