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He knows how to write articles









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-2-3 13:58:21 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
And the reason he can say that is not because he has some kind of superpower. That's because he has a plan. He knows terms such as lede, hook, and out. As a podcaster, I learned about cold opens and episode summaries. In other words, the path to doing more work with higher quality is the framework for how you work. You don't need more budget, time, or team. Requires planning. The same way you can explain marketing to someone in terms of funnels and traffic patterns, you should be able to explain how to write a blog post. We should be able to teach you how to create that podcast episode. If you want to compose 800 words or 25 minutes, what are the components You need a "Content IP" where "IP" does not stand for "IProduce".

If you can't teach the creation part, you can't scale without dumping increasing levels of crap into the world. Example: Andrew Davis, keynote speaker Andrew is one of marketing's most prolific speakers. Every year, he speaks everywhere from San Special Database  Francisco to Sweden, to audiences ranging from fire chiefs to chief marketing officers. Andrew is a guy who absolutely has to deliver quality speeches and stories every time he speaks, and he's speaking more and more every year. quality. amount. collision. Still not feeling well Not our friend Mr. Davis. Because he has an IP behind his speech. Andrew uses something called a "doughnut". This is a term he pulled from his television production days. As Andrew once explained to me, donuts are missing content surrounded by repeatable or predictable content. Drawn as a circle, it resembles a donut – the places you have to fill in to fill that circle. If you are giving a speech, you may know the main issue you are talking about, but you have a hole for illustrative stories that need to be customized according to your audience. you may have.

After all, the same story that resonates with a group of content marketers is likely to fall flat when presented to human resources managers. Your story represents donuts. Throughout Andrew's 45-minute keynote, he has several of these donut holes, and he pinpoints them in certain talks. He can manage stories and interview subjects from a variety of industries. These stories also have a series of "beats" yet another TV term - the moments that make up a good story, or the style of story you want to tell. A "beat" could be something like, "Introduce the person by name and occupation," or "Show me where they work and live." These are the building blocks of a story in that the donut hole is a building block of the entire speech. This includes stories and other moments such as taught lessons, data, and questions. Every time Andrew gives a speech, he fills the donut hole with a relevant story. With every story he researches, Andrew hits the right beats to tell an Andrew-style story. Andrew has maintained quality throughout and scaled his output like crazy - from a handful of speeches a few years ago, 50 plus keynotes last year, plus books, podcasts, blog posts, videos, and many more. Your


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