Maybe you will see new categories for your content or take note of ideas for competitions , activities , and also be sure to note what your competitors customers are dissatisfied with in order to take these shortcomings into account and not repeat them in your store s community. Conclusion knowing the trends in the area of your store and monitoring your competitors will help you build the right strategy for your brand s presence on social networks , learn from other people s mistakes and avoid making your own. The third key communication , communication and more communication Engagement with followers is important. It s not enough to just be present on social networks and sell sparingly there , you also need to make friends with the audience of your community. Speak simply , answer quickly , help promptly. There are main questions with the answers to which we must help clients on social networks How to choose? How to buy? How to use? How can you answer these questions through social networks? Through content and feedback. We wrote about the second method in one of the blog articles.
About the first one read below Introduce gift certificates and a discount system. Don't forget to photo editing servies tell your customers how to become a member of the discount system Publish feature articles and life hacks. If your subscriber is interested in buying an apartment , you can tell him about the process itself , reveal life hacks for renovations and suggest color solutions. Tell us how to use your product. For example , when working with a perfume and cosmetics store , we published photos of makeup with a list of cosmetics used. We sent instructions on how to perform this makeup to interested subscribers. Develop an online support service. Tell us in posts where a person can ask a question that interests him , show that you are open to communication , and are always ready to help with a choice. The community administrator's response must be quick.
The user , having not received an answer to the question that concerns him , will express a negative attitude. Our team has a rule to answer customer questions on social networks within an hour. We always strive for the best and try to reduce user waiting time. A fairly effective tool is sending private messages to active community members. The attention of your favorite brand ensures loyalty to it , right? Usually , we compile a list of active community members debaters , commentators , and those interested. At the time of the launch of a promotion , competition or announcement of a master class , we send out a mailing to the list. As a result , we get a loyal audience and active event participants. We recommend rewarding active subscribers with a discount or a nice bonus.