The title of this article is no content joke
May 8, 2017 56 comments Author: Adrian Pakulski Share:The idea of positioning a website on your own is, to say the least, bizarre. Incubating SEO competences within the company structure is neither cheap nor easy. Tell me, who would evaluate the strategist's work? SEO specialist in your company? You don't have to say it out loud, I already know the answer. The race for the number of backlinks ended a few years ago Don't get me wrong, but independent SEO may be a good idea for a beginner blogger who has plenty of time, chocolate cookies and coffee, but not for a small and medium-sized business owner.I deliberately do not mention large business, because this article is not addressed to the president of a coal company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, but to you - the owner of an online store, a Phone Number List service, production or trading company. But do not worry ? After reading this article, you don't have to sign a contract with me. Simply put, the more aware you are, the less damage you will do to yourself. And for us SEO specialists too, because no one wants you to be another white knight who will connect the technical resources of an SEO agency to Disavow Tool, right? I will do this myself! Doing SEO yourself is a bit like renovating your car on the May weekend.
You spent the whole afternoon replacing one sleeve because it was seized, and because of the lack of 1 punch, you broke all the keys from Castorama for PLN 49.99. And yet the seller assured that they were as durable as Proxxon. It ended as usual. You could have done it on the website. But you preferred to ruin your weekend. Because you will spend at least several hundred zlotys on tools SEO today is no longer Scrapebox with a BOX license, blasts of 20,000 links every 60 minutes, or links from Allegro for PLN 12.99 with high PR from locations that have been filtered for a long time, but for some reason Google has not yet removed them from the index.